
Last-modified: 2021-09-29 (Wed) 02:19:59 (941d)

Unix commands(Solaris)

Serial port handling(screen command)

screen /dev/tty.usbserial-00006114 38300
quit: Ctl+a, k
detach: Ctl+a, d
reattach: screen -r<RET>

% more .screenrc

logtstamp after 5
logtstamp on
logfile flush secs
deflog on
logfile "/Users/cbm/log/screen-%Y%m%d-%c%s.log"

Show the libraries related to the command

>otool -L /usr4/local/mac_bin2/pp<RET>
'ldd' is available for solaris or linux.

Show the architecture for the command

>lipo -i /usr4/local/mac_bin2/pp<RET>
i386  :32bit application
x86_64:64bit application

Open a file browser for the current directory

>open .<RET>

Check the nfs server

>showmount -e hebb<RET>

Backup folder or update the backup

>rsync -av /usr1/uken /backup/<RET>
Then it creates /backup/uken folder.(If you did it before, it'll update the backup)

Start OSX application directly from the command line

Make alias for the application
alias prev 'open -a Preview'
alias tw 'open -a TextWrangler'
alias hex 'open -a /Applications/Editor/HexEdit\ Release-J/HexEdit.app'

Then you can open "anat.hdr" by typing "hex anat.hdr<RET>".