Diff of Postprocessing

*Postprocessing [#q63c8f29]
hana: MacProMid2010 2.66GHzXenonx2(12Core)32GB Memory~

 256x256x180x16(3D data)
*3D anatomical data [#r17f67ad]
**High resolution sagittal base 3D data(creating v16 data) [#z48ef00a]
 For mprage01.fid
 $> fid2sdt mprage01 - <RET> (1*)
 $> merge_coils mprage01 <RET>
 $> pp3d mprage01-pw <RET> (2*)
 $> vmark mprage01-pw-dT 5<RET> (3*)
 $> raxis mprage01-pw-dT-MK5 2 1 -3 4 <RET> (4*)
 $> resize3d mprage01-pw-dT-MK5X <RET>
 $> sdt4to2 mprage01-pw-dT-MK5X <RET>
 $> sdt2v16 mprage01-pw-dT-MK5X <RET>
 Now we have mprage01-pw-dT-MK5X.v16

 1*) '-' is for degibbs algorithm application(Gibbs ringing artifact removal).
 2*) If you don't have good data after this, you should try this command with non-default parameters.
     Or you may want to finalize your data with "pp3d mprage01-pw 15 1 0 90".
 3*) If you don't need to have the left side marker, you can skip this.
 4*) If you find Left-Right reverse in BrainVoyager, you should put 3 instead of -3 here.

*OLD description [#q4f15f42]
This is one example of EPI data processing.~
BrainVoyager is used for 3D motion correction.~


 raw/run1.raw.fid (original data)

 cp -r run1.raw.fid ../epirri/run1.fid<RET>
 cd ../epirri<RET>
 ln -s ../physio/070101-01.car run1.fid/<RET>

**EPIRRI [#reb787dd]
EPI data correction(Reference scan & Navigator echo)

 cd ../epirri<RET>
 epirri4b run1.fid<RET>
  *Be careful the data is overwritten.

**Peak [#x425542a]
 load *.car data and make 3 files(acq.peak.bit  cardio.peak.bit&#12288;respir.peak.bit)

**Physiofix [#o8e85155]
 postproc -dc -physiofix run1.fid run1.pp1.sdt<RET>
  DC artifact removal & physiofix

**First volume(reference) removal [#i1727daa]
 rmvol run1.pp1<RET>

**Convert data type into short integer [#edb8962f]
 sdt4to2 run1.pp1<RET>

**Convert to Analyze format(for BrainVoyager) [#f5b55d79]
 sdt2spm run1.pp1<RET>

**BrainVoyager [#ab6e8072]
 Load analyze format data
 Preprocessing fmr data
  -slice scan time correction
  -3D motion correction

 Make output as Analyze format
** [#u8963dbd]
 cat run1_SCSA_3DMCTS_0*.img > run1_SCSA_3DMCTS.sdt<RET>
 endianflip run1_SCSA_3DMCTS.sdt run1_SCSA_3DMCTSf.sdt s<RET>
 cp run1.pp1.spr run1_SCSA_3DMCTSf.spr<RET>

** Make a mask file and apply it [#p66f0f7d]
 mask file: mask.sdt
 mask run1_SCSA_3DMCTSf mask<RET>

** Temporal filtering [#r24e7670]
 bp_filt run1_SCSA_3DMCTSfM.sdt -h 5<RET>