Diff of Peak

[[Data processing]]

''How to use '' '''peak'''&size(25){☞};&ref(http://www.cbm.brain.riken.jp/fmri/pub/photo_movie/peak2.mov);
''How to use '' '''peak'''&size(25){☞};&ref(http://www.cbm.brain.riken.jp/fmri/pub/photo_movie/peak.mov);

+Load [[.car>http://www.cbm.brain.riken.jp/~mri/home.html/index.php?cmd=read&page=AnalogRecorder]] file
:.car file have respiration, cardiac and acquisition timing data.
+Find peaks~
※You can add peak with right click and remove with left click.
+Save peaks~
→You'll get .bit file
 acq.peak.bit(acquisition triggers)
 cardio.peak.bit(cardiac peaks)
 respir.peak.bit(respiration peaks)
 *You shouldn't change the file names. And they need to be in the corresponding fid folder.