Diff of Example of Notice to Subject

INFORMATION for Subjects of an MRI experiment&br;

The night before an experiment&br;
 Inside MRI is dark and cool, therefore you may feel sleepy. Please get enough sleep the night before any experiment with tasks.&br;

The day of an experiment&br;

[What to bring]&br;
 Your bank account passbook or some other item in which your bank account info is clearly stated.&br;
 Contact lense accessories. (e.g disinfectant solution and case)&br;

Coats and jackets are not normally needed during the experiment. Temperature inside MRI room is 20 degree.&br;
If your shirts or blouse has metal buttons, a zipper, or metallic print, we ask you to change into the clothes we provide.&br;
If your clothes have a hood, we ask you to change into the clothes we provide.&br;
If your bra has underwire, please remove your bra.&br;
For your convenience and ours, please dress in a manner that minimizes the amount of changing you need to do.&br;

Experiments are performed in the strong presence of a magnetic field. If you wear prohibited items which are listed on the taboo items list (listed on a separate paper), you may suffer burns or more serious injuries as well as damage our instruments. Please use special care when preparing for the experiments.
If proceeding experiments exceed their time slots, the start time of your experiment might be delayed. Thank you for your patients and understanding.

[For women]&br;
Please wear minimal makeup. If you wear too much makeup, we ask you to wash your makeup off. If you are worried about your makeup, please ask us.&br;

[Contact information on the day of an experiment]&br;
Tel: 048-462-1111 (ext. xxxx)&br;
e-mail: xxxx@brain.riken.jp&br;
If for some reason you are unable to attend the experiment or realize you will be late, please tell us as quickly as possible.&br;

[Directions to RIKEN]&br;
Please refer Google Maps and street view.&br;
Address: Hirosawa 2-1, Wako, Saitama&br;
20 mins walk from Wako station&br;
RIKEN Wako campus is surrounded by several big roads. Please watch the traffic. Upon arriving at the West Gate guard station, please do the following.&br;
Please fill the form as follows:&br;
Destination: 'DDD'&br;
Purpose:'subject of MRI experiment'&br;
And please receive a card and come to RRR room on FFF floor of BBB building.INFORMATION for Subjects of an MRI experiment&br;