Diff of BrukerCmd


*fidb2sdt(k-space data recon) [#wc4eb713]
 before the command, cd to the directory which has fid,acqp and method.
 before the command, cd to the directory which has fid,acqp and method files.
 >fidb2sdt<RET> to create fid.sdt/spr
 >fidb2sdt +<RET> to create  fid.sdt/spr and fid.edt/epr

*fidlogb(Display the information of the scan sets) [#xe2a69ce]

 > fidlogb<RET>
 ...Saved data check script...
 .//1 <0h0m12s800ms> [FLASH.ppg] (393216)
 .//2 <0h19m8s800ms> [RAREVTR.ppg] (18350080)
 .//3 <0h4m0s0ms> [RARE.ppg] (2621440) 
 .//4 <0h0m2s500ms> [PRESS.ppg] (16384)
 .//5 <0h0m2s500ms>*[PRESS.ppg] (16384)
*dgb(display the important parameters) [#h6d33fc3]

 > dgb<RET>
 DIR: /opt/PV5.1/data/mriguest/nmr/Hirai151112.yB1/2
 --- acqp ---
 FREQ(MHz) : 400.169804642013
 TIME   : <20151112T145642>
 USER   : mriguest
 size: 256 128
 datatype: GO_32BIT_SGN_INT
 slice_Pos: ( 20 ): -9.75 -9.25 -8.75 -8.25 -7.75 -7.25 -6.75 -6.25 -5.75 -5.25 -4.75 -4.25 -3.75 -3.25 -2.75 -2.25 -1.75 -1.25 -0.75 -0.25
 --- method ---
 Scantime:  <0h19m8s800ms>
 Rcv ch: 1
 TE:  (msec)
 TR:  (msec)
 MATRIX: 128 128
 FOV(mm): 16 16
 NT: 1
 Slice_order( 20 ): 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
 Thk(mm): 0.5
 Pelist( 128 ): -32 32 -31 33 -30 34 -29 35 -28 36 -27 37 -26 38 -25 39 -24 40 -23 41 -22 42 -21 43 -20 44 -19 45 -18 46 -17 47 -16 48 -15 49 -14 50 -13 51 -12 52 -11 53 -10 54 -9 55 -8 56 -7 57 -6 58 -5 59 -4 60 -3 61 -2 62 -1 63 0 -64 1 -63 2 -62 3 -61 4 -60 5 -59 6 -58 7 -57 8 -56 9 -55 10 -54 11 -53 12 -52 13 -51 14 -50 15 -49 16 -48 17 -47 18 -46 19 -45 20 -44 21 -43 22 -42 23 -41 24 -40 25 -39 26 -38 27 -37 28 -36 29 -35 30 -34 31 -33