Backup diff of Data processing (No. 4)

  • The added line is THIS COLOR.
  • The deleted line is THIS COLOR.


Suppose you have the data below.~
>EPI data: '''exp_date/raw/run.fid'''~
>Physiological data: '''exp_date/physio/'''~
>2D anatomical data: '''exp_date/raw/2d_anat.fid'''~
>3D anatomical data: '''exp_date/raw/3d_anat.fid'''~

&color(red){CAUTION!! :Keep the raw data separate so that you have a backup};

*EPI data processing [#e9ea3183]

 epibsi run.fid

''Make a symbolic link of .car file to run.fid directory''
 cd run.fid/
 ln -s ../../physio/ ./

→ '''acq.peak.bit, cardio.peak.bit, respir.peak.bit'''~

''Physiological noise correction''
 pp38 -physiofix run.fid run.phys.sdt
 pp -physiofix run.fid run.phys.sdt
→ '''run.phys.sdt/spr'''~

''Merge data from different coils''
 merge_coils run.phys
→ '''run.phys-pw.sdt/spr'''~

''Remove reference volume''
 rmvol run.phys-pw

''Slice scan time correction''
 mkslc run.fid > run.fid/slice.txt
 ssc run.phys-pw run.fid/slice.txt
→ '''run.phys-pw.SC.sdt/spr'''~

''High pass filter''
 bp_filt run.phys-pw.SC -h 5(*)
>*It depends on your task design~

→ '''run.phys-pw.SC.HP.sdt/spr'''

 sdt4to2 run.phys-pw.SC.HP
 sdt2spm run.phys-pw.SC.HP
 *sdt4to2 is for BV(float>short conversion)

*3D anatomical data processing [#e28182ba]

 fid2sdt 3d_anat.fid
 merge_coils 3d_anat

※for 3D high anatomical data [256,256,180] -> [256,256,256]&br;
This procedure may not be necessary for the later processing. It depends on your application for the farther processing.
 resize3d 3d_anat-pw 256

 sdt2spm 3d_anat-pw (+/-)
 +: NIFTI(.nii) output
 -: ANALYZE(.hdr/img) output

*2D anatomical data processing [#y19854eb]

 fid2sdt 2d_anat.fid
 merge_coils 2d_anat
→ '''2d_anat-pw.sdt/spr'''
 raxis 2d_anat-pw 1 -2 3 4
 (raxis 2d_anat-pw 1 -2 3 4) *if necessary
 sdt4to2 2d_anat-pw(X)
 sdt2spm 2d_anat-pw(X)
 *sdt4to2 is for BV(float>short conversion)