OSX setting

Last-modified: 2024-04-03 (Wed) 03:26:09 (25d)


Sonoma setting(OSX 14.3)

Make "test" user as admin.
Logout from your account and login as test.
Change the uid for your account.
Remove your account. Then create your account again.
Change your shell if you want. 
Xcode install
Commandlinetools install
Make SIP disable
Homebrew install
brew install -cask emacs
ROSETTA2 install (for arm64): >sudo softwareupdate --install-rosetta 
NFS mount from Finder>Connecting to servers
Make link to /usr4,/usr1 onto the side panel of finder windows.
Add two lines into synthetic.conf to have /usr4 and /usr1
sudo emacs /etc/synthetic.conf
  usr4 Volumes/usr4
  usr1 Volumes/usr1
Then, reboot

Big Sur setting(OSX 11.4)

Disable SIP

reboot and enter the recovery mode
>csrutil disable <RET>
Then reboot
You can confirm the change by "csutil status"

NFS mount

UID setting through System Setting(User)

Make an administrator account. (You can use root or other administrator account)
Log out from the target user account.
Change the UID and change the owner of the user folder.
 >sudo chown -R 123123 /Users/#### <RET>
mkdir ~/usr4 <RET>
mount is:/export/usr4 ~/usr4 <RET>
Set the login items on the User setting for the NFS mount <RET>

Then after the next login, you'll find the mounted volume as /Volumes/usr4

Permission for the downloaded application

sudo spctl --master-disable

Catalina setting(OSX 10.15)

Xcode installation
XQuartz installation(XQuartz-2.7.11.dmg)

 uxterm -rv -aw -sb -sl 5000 -geometry 80x66 -cr gold -bc -ms orange -bd yellow

Make the root user available.(setting>User/group)
Disable the rootless protection

csrutil status<RET>
csrutil disable<RET>

Set the UID appropriately

Sierra setting(OSX 10.12)

Xcode installation
XQuartz installation
homebrew installation

NFS auto mount

mkdir /usr4
then follow the instruction written for 10.8
Maybe reboot is necessary

perl link (if /usr/local/bin doesn't exist, then make it with "mkdir -p /usr/local/bin")

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/perl

optional installation :

brew install octave ffmpeg 

'octave' installation includes 'gnu-sed' and 'gnuplot'
'gdl' installation needs "fink" or "macports". The one in homebrew is different.

El Capitan setting(OSX 10.11)

Xcode installation
XQuartz installation
sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/perl

NFS auto mount

mkdir /usr4
then follow the instruction written for 10.8
Maybe reboot is necessary 
!!!Under editing!!!

Yosemite setting(OSX 10.10)

Xcode install(6.1.1)
Command line tool install (commandlinetoolsosx10.10forxcode6.1.1.dmg)
*Graphicstools install(graphicstools_for_xcode_6.1.dmg)
XQuartz install(XQuartz-2.7.7.dmg)
Java install (jre-8u25-macosx-x64.dmg)
Java SDK install(jdk-8u25-macosx-x64.dmg)
download fink-0.38.3.tar.gz
>sudo /bin/sh ./installfink.txt(Install Fink.tool)
fink install sed
*fink install gdl ffmpeg gnuplot
*fink install octave (trouble! java dependency)
>>Install Java for OS X 2014-001:
http://support.apple.com/downloads/DL1572/en_US/JavaForOSX2014-001.dmg <http://support.apple.com/downloads/DL1572/en_US/JavaForOSX2014-001.dmg>

(*) indicates optional

Merverics setting(OSX 10.9)

Xcode install
NFS auto mount
mkdir /usr4
then follow the instruction written for 10.8
Maybe reboot is necessary...to be confirmed later
java install
'fink' isn't needed to be installed.
To use 'peak', some libraries are needed. Just copy the default library folder.
>sudo cp -r /usr4/public/sw_def /sw<RET>
Other developed codes should work without fink(sw).
stimulate_lion should also work.
It seems that 'fink' is working fine(Mar.11,2014)
bootstrap installation is required(Xcode command line tools also needed).

Mountain Lion setting(OSX 10.8)

X11 needs to be installed from XQuartz.
fink install(0.34.1)
fink selfupdate-rsync<RET>
fink index<RET>

fink install openmotif4<RET>
fink install mesa-libglw-openmotif4<RET>
fink install libjpeg<RET>
fink install libpng3<RET>
sudo xcodebuild -license<RET>
fink install gnuplot
fink install octave
fink install gdl


fink install
  gdl>>OK now 12.Sep.2012
    [uken:cbm1]/usr/include> sudo ln -s /usr/X11/include/X11 ./
  octave>>OK now 12.Sep.2012

X11Forwarding problem
[uken:adrian]~> xclock
debug1: client_input_channel_open: ctype x11 rchan 3 win 65536 max 16384
debug1: client_request_x11: request from 56759
debug1: channel 1: new [x11]
debug1: confirm x11
Xlib: connection to "localhost:12.0" refused by server
Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
debug1: channel 1: free: x11, nchannels 2
Error: Can't open display: localhost:12.0
>>>Solved!(logout may help?)
Strange messages..
[uken:cbm1]~> fink install gdl
dyld: DYLD_ environment variables being ignored because main executable   (/usr/bin/sudo) is setuid or setgid
Missing NFS function from Diskutility
$> sudo dscl . -create /Mounts/is:%2Fexport%2Fusr4 VFSOpts resvport rw intr
$> sudo dscl . -create /Mounts/is:%2Fexport%2Fusr4 VFSLinkDir /usr4
$> sudo dscl . -create /Mounts/is:%2Fexport%2Fusr4 VFSType nfs
$> sudo dscl . -create /Mounts/is:%2Fexport%2Fusr4 RecordName is:/export/usr4

Check the nfs automount setting
$> dscl . -readall /Mounts 
To initialize nfs automount
$> dscl . -delete /Mounts   
Cannot edit the file on the nfs volumes...(Textedit can but TextWangler)

Lion setting(OSX 10.7.3)

Xcode installation through "App Store"
"Command Line Tools for Xcode" install through downloading from ADC(Xcode>Open Developer Tool>More Developer Tools...)
"Graphic Tools for Xcode" install(if you want)

fink install(

fink selfupdate-rsync<RET>
fink -f index<RET>

fink install fftw3<RET>
fink install openmotif4<RET>
fink install mesa-libglw-openmotif4<RET>
fink install gnuplot<RET>
fink install octave<RET>
fink install gdl<RET>

OLD description below

 Developper tools
 xterm -rv -aw -sb -sl 5000 -geometry 80x66 -cr gold -bc -ms orange -bd yellow~
 install fink
 fink selfupdate
 fink install ***
 openmotif3--(maybe no need)
 xview(for stimulate)--(maybe no need)
 xview install
 OSX install(partition setting if necessary)
 XCode install
 Developer tools install
 X11 sdk install--(maybe no need)
 fink install
  openmotif--(maybe no need)
 NFS client setting(UID change)
 SSH client setting(RSA key), Edit /etc/ssh_config
    ForwardX11 yes  << permit X-Forwarding same as -X flag for ssh command
    ForwardX11Trusted yes  << Expand permission same as -Y flag for ssh command
    ServerAliveInterval 30  << Not to have sudden communication close for long time processing

How to change UID(for NFS mount)

If you transfer your user account from your old mac, this procedure isn't necessary.

For Leopard(10.5) or later
 System Preference>Account
 Cmd-key + click on User name>
 You may still need to change the owner of your files/folders manually.(chown)

Following is the old way..
1.Make root user available
2.Logout from the user account
3.Login with root
4.Change UID with NetInfoManager
5.Change file owner setting
 chown -Rh <UID> /Users/<username>
6.Logout from root
Perl path setting
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin<RET>
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/<RET>

SSH access setting

>>ssh-keygen -t rsa<Return>
You need to set your "passphrase" for the ssh access. Including space is highly recommended for the passphrase(Like, "This is a pen").
Then you'll have "id_rsa" and "id_rsa.pub".
Paste the content of the local ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub file into the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the remote host.
 cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> /usr4/<your account>/.ssh/authorized_keys <RET>
 (When you have nfs mount of /usr4 on your mac and your home directory of the remote is /usr4/<your account>)

SSH client's default setting
Edit /etc/ssh_config
Put the following 3 lines at the end.
 ForwardX11 yes
 ForwardX11Trusted yes
 ServerAliveInterval 30

Change your passphrase
 ssh-keygen -p [-P  OLD_passphrase ] [-N NEW_passphrase  ] <RET>

File server volume mounting

You need to register your fixed IP address to our servers.
For snow leopard or later, "Disk Utility" can make automatic mounting.

How to put your mounted volume in the side bar menu of file browser

Assume you have /usr4 mounted as /usr4

1.Open terminal and cd / <RET>
2.$>open ./ <RET>
3.Click the volume folder and hit "Apple"+'t' keys

Old information

Stimulate on Leopard
 xrdb .Xdefaults<RET>