Example of Recruiting Subject

Last-modified: 2015-07-28 (Tue) 10:49:23 (3209d)

Subjects Wanted(Example)

XXX lab is recruiting subjects for fMRI experiment*. (*) We are using MRI to measure human brain activity during a task. We are using a 4 Tesla MRI system, which has larger magnetic field than a typical MRI system in a hospital.

[Summary] The experiment consists of two parts which should take place at least 7 days apart.
・1st: High resolution anatomical scan; The subject should lie still and does not need to perform any tasks. / 1 hour
・2nd: fMRI experiment; The subject needs to lie still while doing some sort of a task inside the MRI scanner. / 2 or 3 hours

[Task] We ask you to pay attention to images on a computer screen and to press a button at the appropriate times.

[Pay] 5000 yen and transportation expenses for each experimental session.

[Possible experiment times] Experiments are scheduled between 9:30-18:00 on weekdays.

[Eligibility for participation]
●If you have any of the following, you cannot attend our experiment.
・Communication disorder
・Body-temperature regulation difficulty
・Have experienced feeling ill because of flickering light
・Have experienced of epileptic seizure
・Pacemaker or artificial cardiac valve
・Have ever done metal grinding, welding, or mining work
・Have metal fragments in your body. (braces/implant(depends on material)/clip/any other metal object embedded in your body/*tooth filling and/or silver crowns managed by a dentist in Japan is OK.)
・Under 20 years old
●If you have any of the following, you might not be able to join our experiment. Please tell us.
・History of migraines
・Have had a surgical procedure in the past
・Experience of heart attach, angina, or arrhythmia
・Artificial eye or tooth
・Hard of hearing, sensitivity to loud noises
・Feel faint often
・Medical care history of head injury

[How to apply]
Please read the above conditions carefully before applying to our lab. When you send an email to our recruiting personnel recruit@brain.riken.jp, please make the subject line ‘application to fMRI subject’, and note your name, age and phone number in main text. If you use your cell-phone mail, please set receiving option so that you can receive e-mail from our email address. If you have any question, please don’t hesitate to ask us.

[Contact Information]
e-mail address: recruit@brain.riken.jp
telephone: 048-462-1111(ext.YYYY)
(person in charge: ZZZZ)

XXX laboratory
Brain Science Institute