Take care, Tevemer

by Tevemer on 2004 Dec 16 - 21:37 | reply to this comment BDSM is not necessarily more popular Greetings,

Doth the lady protest too much, methinks?

How many times must one dance around the circle before one realizes that it must forever lead back to the same beginning?

If I understand your points, you are saying that Taken In Hand relationships are more liberal than BDSM, and BDSM relationships will continue to be more popular than those based on male-led variants. I am not sure I could agree with either of these conclusions.

Let us start with comparison of the two approaches. BDSM (as a reminder Bondage, Discipline/Domination, Sadism, Masochism) is a catch all term to describe three related, but separate, sexual/lifestyle approaches to relationships.

The first is Bondage/Discipline which considers various methods of restraint, protocols, and services. This can either be as part of a scene/party, or as a lifestyle. There is normally a fair amount of fetish wear associated with B&D, plus all manner of bondages, from the mild to the extreme. A primary characteristic, is that normally one chooses for oneself how to will express one’s B&D nature.

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